Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pinky Has Blisters My 4 Yr Old Has Red, Itchy, Chaped Skin W/little Blisters Around Both Of Her Pinky Toes. What Could It Be?

My 4 yr old has red, itchy, chaped skin w/little blisters around both of her pinky toes. What could it be? - pinky has blisters

are usually not stand althetes bubbles. Do you have your recordings? When I was 6 I had the chicken pox really bad, but then I get back and after lil itchy blisters on the fingers and toes when she was stressed. My mother took me to develop my country, and they said it was a virus, when I'm away so severe chickenpox. I am now 25, always the high loads lil itchy as hell.
Take her to the doc, who commented, you never know until you seek.


sardogwi... said...

Athlete's foot. Sad, but true.

Olsh said...

Look @ my shoes ... Sox get some comffy 2

Sweetbab... said...

could be athlete's foot.

Kayleigh said...

It could be athlete's foot

Anonymous said...


Maria R said...

It appears that the outbreak makes a manner which can be heat or allergies that are average or soap. I take the PLS or doctor.

Midge said...

could be a case of athletes foot.

Chris said...

Post edited: First, I would say I'm sorry I was rude would last. I was not, I answered many questions for points. Please accept my apology.

My new answer: I know that I take him to your doctor first, and know with certainty.

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