Friday, February 19, 2010

Signs Pedicure Infection Does My Dog Have Distemper?

Does My dog have Distemper? - signs pedicure infection

I have a similar question before, but no clear answer .....

We arrived at the kennel for my dog, and say you have an infection that Respitory. We took her to our vet for his nose began to run green and had difficulty breathing ... She received doxycycline, and many vitamins and seemed fine the next day, with only a little clear liquid and nose.
However, the doctor told us it may distemper ........

I have two dogs, my babies are.
My chihuahua no signs of being sick, but my Cairn Terrier has a green runny nose.
I have both Doxyclcline just to be sure, and again
My Cairn has a clear thin runny nose.

I was soooo paranoid that mand dogs have distemper.

I have reviewed their applications a day.
The new dog has his feet on the rough, but not the legs hard, they feel need a pedicure Nice.
She is still sneezing a little inside, but his nose is no more or less in operation.

Everyone has a big appetite, everyone has a chair nomal.

Although the two sick dogs threw a clear liquid-Im thinking they are drinking too fast ... Like choking.

I am very concerned that she may have distemper ...

We monitor the EFF appointemnt this week, but I'm really worried.

We had the new dog for 2 weeks on Friday --
Would not it be more severe symptoms? Pleaseee help calm me down.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, my experience w / distemper (dog books that we thought, an infection of the upper respiratory tract).

1. Distemper is highly contagious. Are all dogs against canine distemper vaccine so far? You can also evidence of the antibody level, require, if you are unsure.

2. Ask your veterinarian for a complete blood count. A low white blood cell count is a viral infection such as distemper point.

3. Further tests for canine distemper can be difficult, but worthwhile. You can by the new vaccine involved, which can cause a false positive result. False negatives are also a possibility. However, in the absence of the last vaccination, positive results are generally correct. Ask your vet lots of questions on each test-specific and accurate results.

4. Symptoms of dIsTemp vary. They may include: sneezing (breathing, coughing, runny nose), gastrointestinal (anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea), lethargy, epithelial (skin blisters, nose and tempered glass) and / or neurological ( "rubber" fits, convulsions, body weakness, etc..) request additional information about the symptoms of online research can be found.

5. Treatment. Antibiotics help if it is a bacterial URI. In distemper, only help to prevent secondary infections like pneumonia. There is no cure for distemper. They only treat symptoms. Dogs that progress to severe neurological symptoms have the worst prognosis.

PS - Distemper My dog is good.

Katie M said...

Why your veterinarian might distemper? If you adopt a dog from a shelter is a good idea to address them in isolation for 10-14 days if they were exposed to something contagious (and more if there are cases of parvo in the shelter last 6 months).

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